28 September 2021 PDF version The TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue welcomes renewed EU-U.S. voluntary cooperation but warns of the consequences of […]
Transatlantic consumer movement urges new EU-US cooperation agenda to benefit public interest
The EU and US will hold a summit tomorrow (June 15) to discuss their future cooperation agenda. Following an EU […]
TACD publishes policy resolution on the protection of children from digital food marketing
Today, TACD publishes a policy resolution on the protection of children from digital food marketing. The resolution looks at the […]
TACD publishes resolution on competition, privacy and consumer welfare
Today, TACD publishes a policy resolution on competition in response to the European Commission’s and the US Federal Trade Commission’s […]
New: TACD policy on use of technologies in financial services
Today, TACD publishes a new resolution on fintechs. Nowadays, use of technology in financial transactions (or fintech for short) has […]
TACD publishes resolution on regulating digital services
Today, the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) publishes a policy resolution on regulating digital services. The resolution looks at the Digital […]
TACD and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brussels publish research highlighting failings in privacy protection on both sides of the Atlantic
Today, TACD and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brussels European Union (HBS) have published research that examines how aspects of privacy and data […]
TACD urges WTO negotiators not to interfere with digital rights
Today, TACD publishes a resolution on digital trade urging WTO negotiators not to interfere with digital rights and setting out […]
TACD urges FTC to investigate Google’s location tracking
Today, TACD has sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission explaining how Google manipulates users into constant location tracking. […]
New Policy Resolution on delinking incentives to invest in biomedical R&D from the prices of products and services
Today, TACD publishes a new resolution on delinking the incentives to invest in biomedical R&D from the prices of products […]