TACD responds to illegal dismissal of FTC Commissioners

The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) is deeply concerned about the White House’s illegal dismissal of two serving FTC Commissioners, Alvaro Bedoya and Rebecca Slaughter. This move radically alters the bipartisan structure of the independent consumer protection agency. The FTC has been a principal partner in the EU and U.S. consumer dialogue, an enforcer of the EU and U.S. data transfers agreement, and a leading example internationally for tech investigations and vigorous enforcement. This move calls its ability to continue those actions into question.    

Finn Myrstad, EU Chair of the TACD Digital Committee commented:  

“At the TACD we have had a constructive working relationship with the FTC for over 20 years, and we hope Commissioners Slaughter and Bedoya get the support they need to win their case in court. In the meantime, we need to expect even less scrutiny of Big Tech’s practices going forward, highlighting the need for swift and effective enforcement on the European side, to protect consumers on both sides of the Atlantic, if possible”  

Calli Schroeder, U.S. Chair of the TACD Digital Committee said:

“This illegal and unjustified attack on Commissioners Bedoya and Slaughter calls into question the FTC’s independence and ability to meaningfully protect consumers. It is a blatant attempt to intimidate and disempower one of the strongest consumer defenders existing in the U.S. and benefits only predatory companies. We hope that the rule of law prevails and look forward to continuing work with a full and independent FTC in the future.” 

Note: Calli Schroeder is Senior Counsel, AI and Human Rights Program Lead, and Global Privacy Counsel at EPIC and U.S. Co-chair of the TACD Digital Policy Committee; Finn Myrstad is Director of Digital Policy at the Norwegian Consumer Council, and EU Co-chair of the Digital Policy Committee.

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